Monday, May 16, 2011

Oh Lonesome Me...Home-Based Business Perception?

The other day I sat around the table with a group of people I didn’t know all that well; some I had met before, but never really got to know or bond with; we chatted about this and that and then one of the women stated that she called home and it was pouring rain…she was happy she wasn’t there, but then she said she often works at home so it would have been a day she stayed home.  With a bit of prompting, she went on to say that she worked in a call center environment and although she was allowed to work at home, she found that she didn’t really like it.  Others chimed in and said that they thought that working at home was too lonely; they need the companionship of co-workers to get the work done.  There were approximately 6 people having this conversation and they were all in agreement that working from home was not something they could do.  I sat quietly (at first!) and listened to their comments: “can’t separate home from work”, “like the idea of getting dressed and having somewhere to go to”, “can’t get motivated”, “feel too far away from the other workers”, etc.   It was disheartening to see how they could not understand the benefits of working from home. 

I finally joined in and told them about my work and how I’ve helped hundreds of people start their own home-based business.  I explained that it does take a particular mindset to work at home.  To begin with you must set up your home office so you have a place “to go to” every morning and that is the place where you run your business…your computer is there, your files are there, your supplies are there.  Some people just work off their laptop on the kitchen or dining room table, so yes I see how they can feel disconnected.  I am lucky enough to have an entire room dedicated as a home-office so I get “to go somewhere” every morning….and when I’m done for the day, I simply close the door and pursue activities that fulfill the other side of life – home and hobbies.   I also make it a point to get dressed every morning – I know, silly me!  On cold, rainy days it is very seductive to work in my jammies and robe, but experience has shown me that I never get anything done when I feel like I just woke up all day long!   Motivation for me is the freedom I buy myself time and time again.  Freedom to do things I love to do and want to do.   For the past two weekends, my husband and I went out of town to relax and kick back; so I work diligently while I am in town, use my laptop to travel and viola!  I am free to travel about the country.  And even if we don’t travel, if the holidays are here or if other events are requesting our presence, I plan ahead.  The good times I enjoy are paid for by getting my work done efficiently, effectively and on time!

I did join the conversation at one point and told them about my work and how I’ve helped hundreds of people start their own home-based business. One person said that it was different for me because I have my own business and I replied that it doesn’t make a difference.  It is the desire to do something that matters; if they truly wanted to work at home then they need to spend the time and energy to set it all up.  Just like my neighbor Ed did; he works for a major computer company.  He never goes into the office; he is totally electronically connected…he knows what is going on because he communicates with people in his division often…he is not lonely because he plans his days to include doing things with his kids and meeting up with neighbors, friends, co-workers at the local coffee place or just to walk the dog.   Ed gets it…his mind-set is totally geared towards creating a balance between his work and his home life.   A lifestyle choice he created and he maintains…he’s organized; he’s disciplined; he loves what he does and lives the life he loves!